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If you’re concerned or just curious about the influence of technology on your child’s learning and development, this conversation is packed with strategies and insights to help you navigate these challenges with confidence and purpose.

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264. The hidden dangers of EdTech: How technology in schools impacts learning, child development, and mental health with Andy Liddell

Two children using a laptop at school

featured post

247. BTS: How can I tell if my child is ready for sleep-away camp?

Father and son building a camp fire

With sleep-away camp sign ups happening months before summer begins, what you should consider to help you decide whether or not to register your child.

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224. Unlocking motivation: Helping kids who seem stuck with Dr. Ellen Braaten

A mother and child carrying folding laundry

Are you worried about your child’s lack of motivation or their constant struggle to keep up? This week I’m diving into the complexities of child motivation with Dr. Ellen Braaten.

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219. BTS: How can I foster a strong sibling bond between my social butterfly and more introverted daughter?

Two sibling girls wearing bike helmets and smiling

How can I get my oldest outgoing daughter help her more introverted sister make friends.

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