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Get practical strategies for parents torn between comforting your baby and fostering their independence and resilience when they cry to be held by you.

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179. BTS: How do I support my child through distress without rescuing them immediately?

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178. ADHD and attachment security: How to connect with and support your neurodiverse child with Dr. Norrine Russell

Frustrated child doing homework

If you have a child with ADHD, you won’t want to miss this episode where we’re sharing personal insights, evidence-based techniques, and empowering strategies to guide parents on a journey towards fostering empathy, embracing your child’s strengths, and helping them reach their full potential.

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177. BTS: How do I know when my child’s anxiety requires a mental health intervention?

Child with anxiety sitting on the floor, looking down with her head on her knees

Supporting your child with their anxiety and fears, and what to look out for to alert you that it may be time to seek guidance from a mental health provider.

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176. Love, intimacy, and parenthood: Fostering our romantic relationships with Dr. Tracy Dalgleish

A mother and father kissing while holding their toddler and newborn child

Did you know that a staggering 67% of couples experience a dip in relationship satisfaction after the birth of a child?Joining me is clinical psychologist, couples therapist, and sought-after relationship expert, Dr. Tracy Dalgleish. Dr. Tracy is the founder of Be Connected Digital, the author of I Didn’t Sign Up for This, and the host of the I’m Not Your Shrink podcast.

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