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The constant pressure to do it all (and do it all perfectly, I might add) is just one of the reasons parents are finding themselves so burnt out.
We are so go, go, go that we often forget to stop and assess what is working, what isn’t working, and how we can be intentional about using the time we do have to raise our children with the values that we find most important. Here to help parents learn to manage and prioritize their time is the author of Thursday is the New Friday, Joe Sanok.

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112. Hustle culture is changing the way we parent: Why slowing down is the key to finding balance with Joe Sanok

Slowing down is the key to finding balance

featured post

100. How to use the principles of attachment science to make parenting easier

A crash course in attachment science

I’ll give you a crash course in attachment science, dispel the misinterpretations that can make parents feel anxious or guilty, and offer concrete tips for more accurately attuning to your child, which can help them to form a secure attachment bond and promote mental wellness within your child and yourself.

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96. Balancing the load of parenthood: Becoming a team with your partner-in-parenting with Lauren A. Tetenbaum

Balancing the load of parenthood

Eve Rodsky’s Fair Play method has swept the nation and become a cultural phenomenon. By being intentional about how we define our roles, rebalancing our to-do list, and feeling aligned with our partners, we are able to challenge societal norms to find a fair balance of the mental load of parenthood that works best for us.

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95. Are we ever really done being postpartum? Redefining what it means to be postpartum with Mama Psychologists’ Dr. Chelsea Bodie

Tackling what it means to be a modern mama

Every postpartum is different! So whether this is your first time being pregnant or you have done this before, surrounding yourself with the proper support during this period of transition is key.

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