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Exactly how to
reconnect, repair &
rebuild trust 

I lost my temper with my kid... Now what?
Interactive Workbook

Want to know exactly how to reconnect,
repair & rebuild trust
after you lose your cool?

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Just $9 for a limited time

You've lost your sh*t with your kid.

It happens. And that's okay. The key is to properly mend your connection after you lose your cool.

A psychologist approved 5-step process for effective repair

Done for you scripts with exactly what to say and do after you lose your temper to maintain secure attachment.

Plus prompts for creating your own script in your authentic voice.

The 5 steps you need for effective repair after rupture
An explanation of why this process works and how each step affects your child
Done for you scripts and prompts to adapt this to fit into your own words
A real world example from my own life (because I lose my cool too) and see exactly how I handle it with my kids
A breakdown of the long term effects of proper repair

The 5 steps you need for effective repair after rupture

An explanation of why this process works and how each step affects your child

Done for you scripts and prompts to adapt this to fit into your own words

A real world example from my own life (so you know, even I lose my cool sometimes) and see exactly how I handle it after I do

A breakdown of the long term affects of proper repair 

What's included?

Because it's inevitable that we will lose our temper, it's important to know how to properly mend our bond with our child after this occurs.