Parenting requires so much of us, and at times it can feel like a thankless, uphill battle. It can feel lonely, and it can feel defeating. It can dredge up our worst doubts about ourselves and painful memories from our past. It can also be a source of the highest highs, and this rollercoaster can get dizzying. 

your parent-child relationship will flourish. 

when you can become the confident guide

Maybe you are feeling like you are just making it all up as you go along, that you lack consistency and direction in your parenting. 

Maybe you are starting to recognize in your parenting a glimpse of how your own parents acted towards you, despite wanting to set a different course with your own child. 

Maybe you are finding yourself reacting to your child’s upset with equal or greater upset, rather than a cool head. 

Maybe you feel like you’re spending all your time entertaining, directing, and redirecting your kids and would like to encourage more independence so you can have a little more breathing room. 

Maybe you are overcome with fears about messing up, getting it wrong, or not knowing how to trust yourself or your child.

Maybe your child has unique challenges and you are not sure how to best support them.

Maybe you just feel alone or invisible, like a boat floating out into an ocean all by yourself, struggling to feel connected to your child, your partner, or yourself. 

My mission is to help you confront these uncomfortable feelings, fears, and doubts, to understand where their roots lie.

and find your authentic and confident parenting voice.

to move through them to create deeper, more meaningful connections 

I will help you to clarify your parenting values and use them as your guiding principles, allowing you to be calm, steady, consistent, and attuned to your child. When you are no longer reacting to your child, but confidently guiding them, you are able to become a more flexible, trusting, responsive parent, and the parent-child relationship can flourish. 

My work with parents and families is rooted in Attachment Theory and Respectful Parenting Principles. I help families use their unique personalities, strengths, and vulnerabilities to become healthier, calmer, and more aligned with one another. 

Ultimately, I believe that if I can help parents to help their children feel safe and validated, we can support healthy childhood development that leads to emotional wellbeing and the capacity to build meaningful relationships. 

Through the parenting journey

For families that are struggling with mental health concerns,  I offer deeper, clinical support that is informed by best psychological practices, effective treatment protocols, and authentic emotional attunement.

Whether it is child & family therapy, postpartum support, individual therapy, or some combination of these approaches, I will work with you to determine the most appropriate level of care for whatever you may be facing. 

Clinical Therapy for Families

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clinical services ⟶

