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Secure and insecure attachment styles aren’t good or bad, they simply are. It can be tempting to label these things, but with that can come shame, guilt, and anxiety.
Here to help dispel some myths about attachment science and offer parents strategies for building their own ability to help their child feel understood and safe is Dr. Tanya Cotler.

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110. Is my child insecurely attached? Unraveling common misconceptions about attachment styles with Dr. Tanya Cotler

Is my child insecurely attached?

featured post

103. Secure attachment vs. social media: Navigating their effects on body image from early childhood to teen years with Dr. Miriam Steele

How is social media impacting the way teens view themselves

Does attachment security impact our perception of our appearance and whether or not we have a positive or negative body image? Are mothers, consciously or unconsciously, passing down their own internalized feelings about weight and worth to their daughters? And how is social media impacting the way teen girls view themselves?

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102. Breaking the cycle of insecure attachment: How to support your child’s secure attachment even if you didn’t grow up with it, with Dr. Miriam Steele

Breaking the cycle of insecure attachment

Understanding attachment theory can give parents an amazing insight into why things are happening in their relationship with their child. But simply knowing this information is one thing—learning the tools we can use to increase the likelihood of our child forming a secure attachment bond is entirely another.

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100. How to use the principles of attachment science to make parenting easier

A crash course in attachment science

I’ll give you a crash course in attachment science, dispel the misinterpretations that can make parents feel anxious or guilty, and offer concrete tips for more accurately attuning to your child, which can help them to form a secure attachment bond and promote mental wellness within your child and yourself.

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