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Is your child explosive? Do you struggle to keep your own emotions in-check, then feel guilty after you lose your cool? Join me as I talk

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234. Parenting with the “Whole-Brain”: How to work with the brain rather than fight against with Dr. Dan Siegel

Child screaming with hands over his ears

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191. BTS: What are the do’s and don’t for introducing screens to my toddler?

Two toddlers staring at a tablet

How to be intentional about starting screen time. And when it comes to TVs and tablets, is one better than the other?

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113. BTS: Do you need enrichment classes for baby’s healthy brain development?

Encourage healthy cognitive and social development for babies

A baby’s brain develops more in the first 3 years of life than any other time. Are there things parents should be doing to encourage healthy cognitive and social development during this pivotal time?

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