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Reduce stress around mealtimes and help your child be more flexible with what they eat! Joining me today is Dr. Yaara Shimshoni, a clinical psychologist and a clinical assistant professor at the Yale School of Medicine, Child Study Center.

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206. Picky eating, ARFID, and SPACE: How a new anxiety treatment can help your child be more flexible around food with Dr. Yaara Shimshoni

A child pushing away a plate of food

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154. Balancing love, limits, and empathy: How to use connection to make parenting easier with Jennifer Kolari

Dad & Mom coloring with their two toddlers

Tuning into our bond with our child and their attachment to us can be one of our most powerful tools in parenting. Jennifer Kolari is the founder of Connected Parenting, a method based on the neurobiology of love, teaching parents how to use compassion and empathy as powerful medicine to transform challenging behaviors and build children’s emotional resilience and emotional shock absorbers.

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100. How to use the principles of attachment science to make parenting easier

A crash course in attachment science

I’ll give you a crash course in attachment science, dispel the misinterpretations that can make parents feel anxious or guilty, and offer concrete tips for more accurately attuning to your child, which can help them to form a secure attachment bond and promote mental wellness within your child and yourself.

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79. Helping your child cope with anxiety: A conversation with clinical psychologist Dr. Terri Bacow

childhood anxiety

When our children feel anxious or afraid, it can be difficult for parents to know exactly how they should respond. Many parents put pressure on themselves to solve or fix this problem for their child, which is often impossible and a less than ideal way to handle this tricky situation.

Joining me to talk about childhood anxiety and offer support for parents navigating this in their own family is the author of Goodbye, Anxiety: A Guided Journal for Overcoming Worry, Dr. Terri Bacow.

You’ll learn a framework you can use that will work toward helping your child learn to cope with their anxiety, rather than avoiding their fear, and factors to help you determine if and when it’s time to seek professional support.

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