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By what age should kids stop tantruming and what are the red flags to look out for that they may need more support.

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197. BTS: When should you start being concerned about your kid’s tantrums?

Young child screaming and having a tantrum

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177. BTS: How do I know when my child’s anxiety requires a mental health intervention?

Child with anxiety sitting on the floor, looking down with her head on her knees

Supporting your child with their anxiety and fears, and what to look out for to alert you that it may be time to seek guidance from a mental health provider.

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167. BTS: What can parents do to help support their child with ADHD?

Young girl running outside during the winter

Practical strategies and advice to help parent create a supportive environment for their child with ADHD to learn, grow, and thrive.

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162. Transforming Relationships: How Integrative Attachment Family Therapy can deepen bonds with Dafna Lender

Baby laying on his mothers chest while holding her face and smiling

Explore the benefits of Integrative Attachment Family Therapy and its application in parenting. Dafna Lender discusses building resilient connections through play, co-regulation, and understanding children’s needs, emphasizing the importance of addressing parent-child relationships and navigating challenging behaviors.

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