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This week my conversation about finding the beauty in life and learning to accept the inevitability of death with Rabbi Steve Leder continues.

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194. Confronting death to find a deeper meaning in life: A continuation of my conversation with Rabbi Steve Leder

Mourning child standing next to an open casket

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192. Death, grief, and parenting: How we can help our kids make sense of and make peace with death with Rabbi Steve Leder

Women holding flowers at a funeral while touching a casket

Having to explain and help our kids process and grasp the concept of death, whether in a moment where it affects them personally, or simply as a concept as a whole, can be a particularly challenging conversation for parents to navigate. Joining me is for this episode is Rabbi Steve Leder.

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70. Helping children process, accept and understand death: With death doula Heather Hogan

The importance of introducing the concept of death to our children

It can be difficult and scary to talk about death as adults, so having to do so with our kids can cause us to freeze up and shut down. But by being open and honest about death, an inevitable part of life, we lay the groundwork our children need to develop the tools to process loss and work through feelings of grief and pain.

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