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Strategies parents can you use to help their child who is dysregulated from excitement calm down.

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261. BTS: Can my kid also get dysregulated from positive emotions, like excitement?

Grandparents laughing with their two grandchildren

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234. Parenting with the “Whole-Brain”: How to work with the brain rather than fight against with Dr. Dan Siegel

Child screaming with hands over his ears

Is your child explosive? Do you struggle to keep your own emotions in-check, then feel guilty after you lose your cool? Join me as I talk

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215. BTS: Does teaching my kid to punch a pillow when they’re mad make them more aggressive?

Young child showing his angry face

Does “healthy aggression” release a child’s anger or just make them behave more aggressively in the long run?

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204. The science of “mom-rage” and how to use mindfulness as a tool for being less reactive with Diana Winston

A mother screaming at her daughter

From neurological changes during pregnancy to the demands of parenthood, we explore the science behind “mom-rage” and how mindfulness can help rewire our responses.

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