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Is your child explosive? Do you struggle to keep your own emotions in-check, then feel guilty after you lose your cool? Join me as I talk

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234. Parenting with the “Whole-Brain”: How to work with the brain rather than fight against with Dr. Dan Siegel

Child screaming with hands over his ears

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223. BTS: How do I know if my child is too young for therapy?

Therapist sitting with a child and taking notes

Therapeutic support options available for young children, including parent-child dyadic therapy and individual sessions.

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221. BTS: Are love languages legit?

A mother and father carrying kids on their backs

Three psychologists weight in on whether they think love languages are a useful tool in relationships.

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213. BTS: What’s the best way to talk about my child’s diagnosis with her and her sibling?

Mother talking with her daughter while holding her hands

Learn strategies for explaining a medical diagnosis to a young child, whether it is their own or that of someone close to them.

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