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How you can prevent your child from forming a negative self-image when they are struggling in school.

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239. BTS: How can I support my child’s self-confidence when she calls herself dumb?

Parenting helping their child learn the alphabet

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170. Debunking the myth of learning styles: What the research actually says are the best ways to teach our children with Dr. Dan Willingham

Young girl raising her hand in class

Would you say you’re a 👁️ visual or an 👂🏼 auditory learner? What if I told you that the research has actually debunked the theory that learning styles even exist? So, then what actually is the best way for helping our kids to learn, feel successful, and become resilient?

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97. Treating autism with a strength based approach: And how all parents can use this method to help their child reach their greatest potential with Dr. Lynn Kern Koegel

World Autism Month

Click here to listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts or Spotify In honor of World Autism Month I am speaking with an expert in the field of autism treatment and the author of the new book, Hidden Brilliance: Unlocking the Intelligence of Autism, Dr. Lynn Kern Koegel. Whether your child has Autism or not, […]

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