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I’m joined by Dr. Vanessa Lapointe to discuss effective discipline strategies and how to approach those tough parenting moments with warmth, compassion, and understanding – for yourself and your child.

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236. Rethinking discipline: How to get through to your sensitive child and teach them lessons that will stick with Dr. Vanessa Lapointe

A mother kissing her daughter on the forehead

featured post

197. BTS: When should you start being concerned about your kid’s tantrums?

Young child screaming and having a tantrum

By what age should kids stop tantruming and what are the red flags to look out for that they may need more support.

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175. BTS: When I tell my child to stop, they just dig their heels in more—what can I do?

Child reaching at a stovetop with a burner on

What can I do when saying stop, using positive language, and redirection seems to escalate my child’s dangerous behaviors.

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174. Back by popular demand: How to change your child’s behavior in just 3 weeks

Smiling toddler

For parents who want to learn my simple framework for how to change your child’s behavior in just 3 weeks! In this episode, I am breaking down the 10 simple steps I teach to the families in my clinical practice to help them make small shifts to their own behavior that will result in some big changes in their child.

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