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Clinical psychologists share useful information for parents to know before meeting to talk about an IEP or 504 plan.

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235. BTS: How can I prepare for an IEP or 504 meeting after my child receives an ADHD diagnosis?

Dad and child meeting with a Psychologist

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234. Parenting with the “Whole-Brain”: How to work with the brain rather than fight against with Dr. Dan Siegel

Child screaming with hands over his ears

Is your child explosive? Do you struggle to keep your own emotions in-check, then feel guilty after you lose your cool? Join me as I talk

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220. Redefining what it means to be neurodiverse: Harnessing the power of the human brain with Wynford Dore

Someone pointing to an image of a brain

Joining me this episode is researcher, entrepreneur, and dedicated father, Wynford Dore. In this deeply personal and enlightening conversation, Wynford shares his transformative journey from successful businessman to pioneering advocate for neurodiversity, sparked by his daughter’s struggles with learning difficulties.

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178. ADHD and attachment security: How to connect with and support your neurodiverse child with Dr. Norrine Russell

Frustrated child doing homework

If you have a child with ADHD, you won’t want to miss this episode where we’re sharing personal insights, evidence-based techniques, and empowering strategies to guide parents on a journey towards fostering empathy, embracing your child’s strengths, and helping them reach their full potential.

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