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Finding a therapist who you trust and who can offer you proper support can be complicated. Dr. Katie C. Lewis and I discuss the differences and similarities between cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and psychodynamic therapy, how to determine which treatment modality is right for your unique family, and arm you with the knowledge you need for finding a therapist that will best support your goals and honor your parenting values, whether your seeking treatment for yourself or your child.

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51. Simplifying the jargon associated with therapy: How to be an educated consumer of psychological interventions with Dr. Katie C. Lewis

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24. The psychology behind dysregulation with founder of Parenting Translator Cara Goodwin

Cara Goodwin and I are simplifying the science of emotional regulation in the brain and body of children – diving deeper into parenting scripts to help you understand the “why” beneath the words. We’re tackling everything from dysregulation, to coregulation, aggressive behaviors, and the benefits of modeling, plus strategies for effective communication.

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18. Finding your footing in fatherhood: My husband’s journey with RIE and respectful parenting

I am joined by my husband Danny and we’re letting you behind closed doors to hear the raw and unfiltered conversations we had when we first became parents – the tension we felt in our marriage when our parenting styles weren’t aligning, and what we did to ultimately overcome those differences to become a more cohesive parenting team.

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17. Busting parents’ biggest sleep myths to turn bedtime from stressful to restful with Lauren Wolf

There are so many sleep myths that cause parents to feel unnecessary pressure, worry, and guilt. In today’s episode, I’m joined by infant and child sleep consultant, Lauren Wolf. We’ll be busting some of these myths, answering the questions parents ask her most, and offering you tools you can use to create a healthy foundation for your child’s sleep routine.

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