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In this episode, we’ll explore this metamorphosis and how the abrupt shift into motherhood can shatter our former identity into many different parts (and why that doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing).

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208. Using Internal Family Systems to emotionally support mothers with the creators of The Mothercentric Approach

A smiling mom with her two children

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150. Bridging ancient wisdom and modern science with yoga therapist Nicole Katz

Shadow silhouettes of a mom and two children doing yoga poses

How the time-tested traditions of yoga and modern scientific advancements are revealing a similar path for enlightenment and well-being! Today, we’re exploring the intersections of parenting values, child development, and secure relationships, allowing parents to identify that sweet spot in their own life where all these things overlap.

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92. Is fun the antidote to burnout? How play could be the key to mental health and well-being with Dr. Mike Rucker

Play could be the key to mental health and well-being

What can we do to feel more joy? One huge factor may involve how and how much time we devote to play. Here to discuss ways we can infuse more fun into parenthood is the author of the new book The Fun Habit, Dr. Mike Rucker.

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29. Self-care strategies to reduce stress, increase confidence and prevent burnout in parenthood with Dr. Erin O’Connor

Self-care can feel self-indulgent or even just inaccessible to parents. For many of us, while we know it’s important, we just can’t seem to carve out the time to add it into our already packed routine. Co-creator of Scientific Mommy and co-host of the Parenting Understood podcast , Dr. Erin O’Conner and I redefine what self-care looks like and offer strategies for incorporating it into our life – from ways to reduce stress, to increase opportunities for play (for your kids and yourself!) and how to reevaluate our over-scheduled lives.

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