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The constant pressure to do it all (and do it all perfectly, I might add) is just one of the reasons parents are finding themselves so burnt out.
We are so go, go, go that we often forget to stop and assess what is working, what isn’t working, and how we can be intentional about using the time we do have to raise our children with the values that we find most important. Here to help parents learn to manage and prioritize their time is the author of Thursday is the New Friday, Joe Sanok.

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112. Hustle culture is changing the way we parent: Why slowing down is the key to finding balance with Joe Sanok

Slowing down is the key to finding balance

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85. What it means to be a working parent today: Challenging parental guilt, managing your time, and setting effective boundaries with Daisy Dowling

What it means to be a working parent today

Working parents have traditionally been forced to compartmentalize their roles. Make sure we don’t hear the baby crying on the Zoom. Be fully present as a parent without any distractions or interruptions. But we are whole beings, with both of those vital parts integrated to form who we are.

Here to help parents bridge that gap and shift the narrative to see how being both career-driven AND family-focused can be an incredible strength is Daisy Dowling. Daisy is the Founder & CEO of Workparent and the author of Workparent: The Complete Guide to Succeeding on the Job, Staying True to Yourself, and Raising Happy Kids.

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67. Parents are burnt out: A breakdown of what went wrong and how we can prioritize our own mental health with Shelley Kemmerer

How we can prioritize our own mental health

The cure to burnout is not about quick fixes or a day at the spa; we’ll talk about the personal and systemic changes that need to be implemented and prioritized in order to support an entire generation of parents faced with unreasonably high expectations and battling constant parenting guilt.

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34. The pressures of motherhood in our society: And how we can come together to feel less alone with Alexis Barad-Cutler

Joining me is the founder of Not Safe For Mom Group, Alexis Barad-Cutler. We have a raw and honest conversation about what it means to be a caregiver today, the effects COVID-19 has had on mothers in the workforce and Chamber of Mothers, a passion project she is the co-founded of, aimed at fighting for mothers’ rights including paid family leave, plus how you can get involved.

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