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Kim John Payne and I discuss ways parents can become a safe and secure base for their child of any age, review Kim’s 3 T’s (time, team and tone) and how they can serve as your guide in your parent-child interactions, and offer mindset shifts you can make to feel more capable, confident and effective in helping your child (and yourself!) get through emotional moments.

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31. It’s not about me: How to not take your child’s behavior so personally with Kim John Payne

featured post

28. An honest look at respectful parenting: The 5 parenting “rules” I break as a mom

I am getting real and letting you know 5 parenting “rules” that I break with my own kids and why I give myself permission to be imperfect! It’s not about what you do, it’s about how you do it. And when we understand this, it opens us up to tune into our own instincts rather than following some predetermined and external parenting “rules.”

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24. The psychology behind dysregulation with founder of Parenting Translator Cara Goodwin

Cara Goodwin and I are simplifying the science of emotional regulation in the brain and body of children – diving deeper into parenting scripts to help you understand the “why” beneath the words. We’re tackling everything from dysregulation, to coregulation, aggressive behaviors, and the benefits of modeling, plus strategies for effective communication.

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22. The evolution of love: How to use attachment theory to break cycles and worry less in your parenting with Bethany Saltman

Author Bethany Saltman joins me today to discuss attachment theory and how our understanding of it can inform the parenting choices moms, dads and other primary caregivers make to raise their children to be secure and resilient.

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