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Learn what parents can to to lessen the likelihood of your child becoming a people pleaser.

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187. BTS: How can I parent my daughter so she doesn’t become a people pleaser?

Child with hands over her mouth

featured post

186. Using presence as the antidote to trauma: How we begin to break cycles with Dr. Jacob Ham

A man and women in a dark room dealing with trauma

An exploration of healing trauma through presence, connection, and self-awareness. Joining me to take us on this journey of discovery is licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Jacob Ham. Dr. Ham will offer listeners a deeper understanding of trauma’s impact on a person’s neurobiology and their interpretation of the world around them, while emphasizing the importance of our relationships as a means of healing.

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182. Raising conscious kids: A thoughtful exploration of bias, cultural identity, and diversity with Dr. Dana E. Crawford

Open hands holding a decorative heart with different color stripes

In this episode, Dr. Crawford guides us on a journey of self-reflection, teaching about strategic vulnerability and the essential steps to reduce bias in our lives and in the way we raise our children. This episode promises to be a transformative experience, offering valuable insights that will stay with you long after the conversation ends.

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181. BTS: How can I get my 3-year-old to do things they don’t want to do?

Young child independently buttoning up his shirt

How you can encourage your young child to be more independent with daily tasks and foster their executive functioning skills.

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