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When we teach our young children to slow down, to notice their emotions, then equip them with tools for navigating their tricky feelings like disappointment, impatience, boredom, sadness, or anger, we lay the foundation for a kinder and more empathetic society.

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71. The neuroscience of mindfulness and how teaching these skills to our kids has worldwide impact with Dr. Dan Siegel

The neuroscience of mindfulness

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68. Transitioning from one child to two: How to support everyone as your family grows with supermom Lindsay Ellingson

How to support everyone as your family grows

When we become parents for the second or third time, one of the most common experiences (that people often don’t talk about) is the grief parents feel for their big kiddo and the changes that are about to rock their world. That is just one of the many emotions, challenges and joys that come with expanding our families.

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67. Parents are burnt out: A breakdown of what went wrong and how we can prioritize our own mental health with Shelley Kemmerer

How we can prioritize our own mental health

The cure to burnout is not about quick fixes or a day at the spa; we’ll talk about the personal and systemic changes that need to be implemented and prioritized in order to support an entire generation of parents faced with unreasonably high expectations and battling constant parenting guilt.

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66. Busting parenting gender stereotypes: A dad’s perspective on respectful parenting with Eli Weinstein

A dad's perspective on respectful parenting

Peek into the mind of a dad, discuss the importance of men finding their own community of support, and share the strategies he and his wife have implemented to help them create a true partnership in parenthood.

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