Want to learn how to change your child’s behavior in just 3 weeks? In this episode, I am breaking down the 10 simple steps I teach to the families in my clinical practice to help them make small shifts to their own behavior that will result in some big changes in their child. Plus, download my interactive workbook for an easy-to-follow, customized game plan you can use to start seeing meaningful change leading to more cooperation and family harmony!
We’re diving deep into the psychology of parenting to explore why children tend to act out more with their parents than with others. Listen in as we uncover the unique factors of the parent-child bond, discuss common triggers, and offer strategies for navigating these challenging moments.
A baby’s brain develops more in the first 3 years of life than any other time. Are there things parents should be doing to encourage healthy cognitive and social development during this pivotal time?
The constant pressure to do it all (and do it all perfectly, I might add) is just one of the reasons parents are finding themselves so burnt out.
We are so go, go, go that we often forget to stop and assess what is working, what isn’t working, and how we can be intentional about using the time we do have to raise our children with the values that we find most important. Here to help parents learn to manage and prioritize their time is the author of Thursday is the New Friday, Joe Sanok.